MAPI Properties

Description: Contains the mapping signature for named properties of a particular MAPI object.
Property ID: $0FF8
Property type: PT_BINARY
Area: Miscellaneous

It is recommended that objects having named properties expose this property. A client application should check the PR_MAPPING_SIGNATURE property of both objects when copying named properties from one object to another. Use of this property can minimize translating between copied properties' names and identifiers.
If this property does not exist for a given MAPI object, then the object has its own unique mapping of names and identifiers. In this case the client must call the IMAPIProp::GetNamesFromIDs method on the source object and then the IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames method on the destination object.
When two objects have the same PR_MAPPING_SIGNATURE value, the client does not need to translate name to identifier and identifier to name. The client can simply call the IMAPIProp::GetProps method on the source and then the IMAPIProp::SetProps method on the destination. This is convenient for clients that perform custom copying of named properties, and for providers implementing the IMAPIProp::CopyTo and IMAPIProp::CopyProps methods.
For more information on named properties and mapping of names and identifiers, see MAPI Named Properties.