img   img The Messaging API is a COM-like API that provides access to the contents of messaging stores. "Extended MAPI in Delphi" is a package providing access to Outlook-compatible objects through a COM-based API. Using MAPI, a program can connect to a MAPI store, and then perform operations against that store.
Extended MAPI in Delphi



"Light" RAW Extended MAPI Glossary

Included units

IMIEMTypes - includes type declarations

MAPIBestBody - includes useful functions for MAPI/Outlook IMessage "Best Body" and HTML Body manipulation

MAPIDateUtils - includes useful functions for MAPI/Outlook Date/Time manipulation

MAPIFldUtils - includes useful functions for MAPI/Outlook IMAPIFolder management

MAPIMsgUtils - includes useful functions for MAPI/Outlook IMessage manipulation

MAPIPropUtils - includes useful functions for getting/setting MAPI/Outlook properties

MAPISessionUtils - includes useful functions for opening message session, obtaining MAPI/Outlook message stores (IMsgStore), MAPI/Outlook address book (IAddrBook)

MAPIVariantProp - Functions to convert MAPI properties to Variant variables and vice versa

MAPIUtils - includes utils MAPI functions 


Included Helper Classes

TMAPIPropFields - The TMAPIPropFields - represents a collection of MAPI property values.
Delphi wrapper object for SPropValue array.

TMAPIPropField - TMAPIPropField - Delphi SPropValue wrapper object.

TMAPIMultiValue - Delphi wrapper object for MAPI MultiValued SPropValue structure.

TMAPIProperty - Delphi wrapper object for MAPI IMAPIProp interface.

TRestriction - Delphi wrapper object for MAPI SRestriction structure.

TMAPITable - Delphi wrapper object for MAPI IMAPITable interface.

TMAPITableFields  - Delphi wrapper object for MAPI row strucure.

TMAPITableField  - Delphi wrapper object for MAPI SPropValue strucure.

TMAPITableAdvise   - Delphi IMAPIAdviseSink Table wrapper object. Processes the table event notification.

TMAPIStores - Delphi object that represents a collection of MAPI Message Stores

TMAPIStore - Delphi wrapper object for IMsgStore.

TMAPIFolders - Delphi object that represents a collection of MAPI Folders.

TMAPIFolder - Delphi wrapper object for IMAPIFolder.

TMAPIMessage - Delphi wrapper object for IMessage

TMAPIMessageBody - Delphi object that represents IMessage body







"Light" RAW Extended MAPI Glossary

MAPI Commonly Used Defined Properties

MAPI Commonly Used Named Properties


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