TMAPIMultiValue. Delphi wrapper object for MAPI MultiValued SPropValue structure.

unit: MAPIPropFields.pas
file path: ..\Library\Helpers
version: 2014.хх
Classes, Windows, Types, SysUtils, Contnrs, ExtendedMAPI, MapiUtils, IMIEMTypes

Unit: MAPIPropFields.pas
Type: Class
Inherited from: TObject


Name Access Type Description
Count RO Integer Returns number of property values in property. 
AsString RW String Get/Set property value as a string. You can Set AsString only if PropType is PT_MV_STRING8 or PT_MV_UNICODE. Zero based index.
AsInteger RW Integer Get/Set PT_MV_I2 or PT_MV_LONG value. If PropType is not PT_MV_I2 or PT_MV_LONG, exception is raised. Zero based index.
AsInt64 RW Int64 Get/Set PT_MV_I8 value. If PropType is not PT_MV_I2 or PT_MV_LONG or PT_MV_I8 on Get, and PT_MV_I8 on Set, exception is raised. Zero based index.
AsSingle RW Single Get/Set PT_MV_R4 value. If PropType is not PT_MV_R4, exception is raised. Zero based index.
AsDouble RW Double Get/Set PT_MV_DOUBLE value. If PropType is not PT_MV_DOUBLE or PT_MV_APPTIME, exception is raised. Zero based index.
AsCurrency RW Currency Get/Set PT_CURRENCY value. If PropType is not PT_CURRENCY, exception is raised. Zero based index.
AsDateTime RW TDateTime Get/Set  PT_MV_APPTIME or PT_MV_SYSTIME value. If PropType is not PT_MV_APPTIME or PT_MV_SYSTIME, exception is raised. Zero based index.
Note: PT_MV_SYSTIME is converted from UTC to Local DateTime on Get, and from Local DateTime to UTC on Set.
AsGUID RW TGUID Get/Set PT_MV_CLSID value. If PropType is not PT_MV_CLSID, exception is raised. Zero based index.
AsBytes RW TBytes Get/Set property value as a TBytes. If value cannot be converted from/to TBytes, exception is raised.  Zero based index.
Value RW Variant Get/Set property value as a Variant. If Property value cannot be converted to/from Variant, exception is raised. Zero based index.


Name Description
Delete Delete a single property value from collection.

Note: To add a new single property in collection, just set appropriate property AsXXXX with index equal to Count.


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