unit: MAPITable.pas
file path: ..\Library\Helpers\
version: 2014.хх
uses Classes, Windows, ExtendedMAPI, Types, SysUtils,
IMIEMTypes, MAPIRestriction;
The TMAPITable object represents a single MAPI Table.
Delphi wrapper object for MAPI IMAPITable.
Provides a read-only view of a table (IMAPITable itself is read-only).
TFastFilterRelation = (rLess, rLessEqual, rGreater, rGreaterEqual, rEqual, rNotEqual, rLike, rPrefix);
pLess |
The comparison is made based on a
lesser first value. |
pLessEqual |
The comparison is made based on a
lesser or equal first value. |
pGreater |
The comparison is made based on a
greater first value. |
pGreaterEqual |
The comparison is made based on a
greater or equal first value. |
pEqual |
The comparison is made based on
equal values. |
pNotEqual |
The comparison is made based on
unequal values. |
pLike |
The comparison is made based on LIKE (regular expression) values. |
rPrefix |
The comparison is made based on start substring. |
TTableType = (tblTypeSnapshot, tblTypeKeyset, tblTypeDynamic);
tblTypeSnapshot |
The table is static, and its contents do not change when the underlying data changes. |
tblTypeKeyset |
The rows within the table are fixed, but the values of the columns within these rows are dynamic and can change as the underlying data changes. |
tblTypeDynamic |
The table's contents are dynamic and the rows and column values can change as the underlying data changes. |
TTableStatus = (tblStatUnknown,
tblStatComplete, tblStatQChanged, tblStatSorting, tblStatSortError,
tblStatSettingCols, tblStatSetcolError,
tblStatRestricting, tblStatRestrictError);
tblStatUnknown |
Unknown State. |
tblStatComplete |
No operations are in progress. |
tblStatQChanged |
The contents of the table have expectantly changed |
tblStatSorting |
An Sort operation is in progress. |
tblStatSortError |
An error occurred during Sort operation. |
tblStatSettingCols |
A ColumnsTags (IMAPITable.SetColumns) operation is in progress. |
tblStatSetcolError |
An error occurred during an ColumnsTags (IMAPITable.SetColumns) operation. |
tblStatRestricting |
A Filter (IMAPITable.Restrict) operation is in progress. |
tblStatRestrictError |
An error occurred during a Filter (IMAPITable.Restrict) operation. |
TSortOrder = record
PropTag: ULONG; { Column to sort on }
OrderDescend: BOOL; { Ascending, descending}
TSortOrders = array of TSortOrder;
TTableEventType = (tbleChanged, tbleReload, tbleRestrictDone, tbleSetColDone, tbleSortDone, tbleErrorEvent, tbleRowAdd, tbleRowModified, tbleRowDeleted);
TTableBasicEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; EventType: TTableEventType) of object;
TTableErrorEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Error: HRESULT) of object;
TTableRowAddOrModifiedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; EventType: TTableEventType; PriorRowID: TBytes; RowID: TBytes; Fields: TMAPITableFields; var AllowUpdate: Boolean) of object;
TTableRowDeletedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; RowID: TBytes; Fields: TMAPITableFields; var AllowUpdate: Boolean) of object;
TMAPITable = class(TMAPIBase)
constructor Create(const Table: IMAPITable); virtual;
destructor Destroy; override;
property Count: Integer Read GetCount;
property Row[const Index: Integer]: TMAPITableFields read GetMAPITableFields;
property ColumnsTags: TCardinalDynArray read GetFieldDefs write SetFieldDefs;
property BatchLoad: word read GetCacheCount write SetCacheCount default 20;
property WaitForOnBusy: Cardinal read FWaitForOnBusy write FWaitForOnBusy default 2000;
property RawTable: IMAPITable read GetMAPITable;
property IsFiltered: Boolean read FIsFiltered;
property TableType: TTableType read GetTableType;
property TableStatus: TTableStatus read GetTableStatus;
property AllowEvents: Boolean read FAllowDynamicUpdates write SetAllowDynamicUpdates;
procedure FastFilter(const PropTag: ULONG; const Relation: TFastFilterRelation; Value: Variant);
procedure FastSort(const PropTag: ULONG; const Ascending: Boolean = True);
procedure Refresh(const KeepSortOrder: Boolean = True); virtual;
function GetFirst: TMAPITableFields;
function GetNext: TMAPITableFields;
function GetLast: TMAPITableFields;
function CreateBookmark: TBOOKMARK;
procedure FreeBookmark(Position: TBOOKMARK);
function GetBookmarked(Position: TBOOKMARK): TMAPITableFields;
function GetSortOder: TSortOrders;
procedure Sort(const SortOrders: TSortOrders);
procedure Filter(const Restriction: TRestriction);
function GetRowByID(const RowID: TBytes): TMAPITableFields;
function GetRowPosition(const RowID: TBytes): Integer;
function GetRowData(const RowID: TBytes; out RowSet: PSRowSet): Boolean;
procedure Reload(const Table: IMAPITable; const KeepSortOrder: Boolean = True);
function GetFilter: TRestriction;
property OnChanged: TTableBasicEvent read FOnChanged write FOnChanged;
property OnError: TTableErrorEvent read FOnError write FOnError;
property OnReload: TTableBasicEvent read FOnReload write FOnReload;
property OnRestrictDone: TTableBasicEvent read FOnRestrictDone write FOnRestrictDone;
property OnSetColDone: TTableBasicEvent read FOnSetColDone write FOnSetColDone;
property OnSortDone: TTableBasicEvent read FOnSortDone write FOnSortDone;
property OnRowAdd: TTableRowAddOrModifiedEvent read FOnRowAdd write FOnRowAdd;
property OnRowModified: TTableRowAddOrModifiedEvent read FOnRowModified write FOnRowModified;
property OnRowDeleted: TTableRowDeletedEvent read FOnRowDeleted write FOnRowDeleted;
Name | Access | Type | Description |
Count | RO | Integer | Returns the total number of rows in the table |
Row | RO | TMAPITableFields | Returns a singe row |
ColumnsTags | RW | TCardinalDynArray | Returns/Defines a list of columns for the table. |
BatchLoad | RW | word | Specifies the size of the cache for the table. Default value of BatchLoad is 20 |
WaitForOnBusy | RW | Cardinal | Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the asynchronous operation or operations to complete. Default value of WaitForOnBusyis 2000 (2 sec.) |
RawTable | RO | IMAPITable | Wrapped IMAPITable |
IsFiltered | RO | Boolean | Specifies whether a restriction, or filter, id applied on a table. |
TableType | RO | TTableType | Returns a table type as keyset, dynamic, or snapshot. |
TableStatus | RO | TTableStatus | Returns a table status. |
AllowEvents | RW | Boolean | Specifies whether the processing of events to be enabled. If they are allowed, then they can be captured by the processing of events such as OnSortDone, OnRowModified, etc.. |
Name | Description |
FastFilter | Applies a filter to a table, reducing the row
set to only those rows matching the specified criteria. procedure FastFilter(const PropTag: ULONG; const Relation: TFastFilterRelation; Value: Variant); |
FastSort | Orders the rows of the table, depending on
sort criteria. procedure FastSort(const PropTag: ULONG; const Ascending: Boolean = True); |
Refresh | Delete rows that are loaded into memory. It is
possible to keep the sorting. procedure Refresh(const KeepSortOrder: Boolean = True); virtual; |
GetFirst | Returns the first row of the table. function GetFirst: TMAPITableFields; |
GetNext | Returns the next row of the table. function GetNext: TMAPITableFields; |
GetLast | Returns the last row of the table. function GetLast: TMAPITableFields; |
CreateBookmark | Creates a bookmark at the table's current
position. function CreateBookmark: TBOOKMARK; |
FreeBookmark | Releases the memory associated with a
bookmark. procedure FreeBookmark(Position: TBOOKMARK); |
GetBookmarked | Moves the cursor to a bookmarked position in the
table. function GetBookmarked(Position: TBOOKMARK): TMAPITableFields; |
GetSortOder | Retrieves the current sort order
for a table. function GetSortOder: TSortOrders; |
Sort | Orders the rows of the table, depending on
sort criteria. procedure Sort(const SortOrders: TSortOrders); |
GetFilter | Retrieves the current
for a table. function GetFilter: TRestriction; |
Filter | Applies a filter to a table, reducing the row
set to only those rows matching the specified criteria. Passing
nil in the Restriction parameter removes the current filter. procedure Filter(const Restriction: TRestriction); |
GetRowByID | Returns a singe row by RowID.
RowID is
value as TBytes. function GetRowByID(const RowID: TBytes): TMAPITableFields; |
GetRowPosition | Retrieves the current table row position of
the cursor. RowID is PR_INSTANCE_KEY value as TBytes. function GetRowPosition(const RowID: TBytes): Integer; |
GetRowData | Returns the raw row of the table. RowID is
value as TBytes. function GetRowData(const RowID: TBytes; out RowSet: PSRowSet): Boolean; |
Reload | Deletes all table data loaded into memory,
resets restrictions, and load fresh copy of table in memory. procedure Reload(const Table: IMAPITable; const KeepSortOrder: Boolean = True); |
Name | Type | Description |
OnChanged | TTableBasicEvent | Indicates at a high level that something about
the table has changed. |
OnError | TTableErrorEvent | An error has occurred, usually during the processing of an asynchronous operation. Errors during the processing of the following methods can generate this event: FastSort, Sort, Set ColumnsTags, FastFilter, Filter |
OnReload | TTableBasicEvent | The data in the table should be reloaded. |
OnRestrictDone | TTableBasicEvent | A restriction operation initiated with an FastFilter/Filter method call has completed. |
OnSetColDone | TTableBasicEvent | A column setting operation initiated with an Set ColumnsTags method call has completed. |
OnSortDone | TTableBasicEvent | A table sorting operation initiated with an FastSort/Sort method call has completed. |
OnRowAdd | TTableRowAddOrModifiedEvent | A new row has been added to the table. |
OnRowModified | TTableRowAddOrModifiedEvent | A row has been changed. The row member contains the affected properties for the row. |
OnRowDeleted | TTableRowDeletedEvent | A row has been removed from the table. The propPrior member is set to nil. |
Please see Lazy MAPI # 6 - Test TMAPITable wrapper, FastFilter and FastSort
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