unit: MAPITable.pas
file path: ..\Library\Helpers\
version: 2014.хх

uses Classes, Windows, ExtendedMAPI, Types, SysUtils, IMIEMTypes, MAPIRestriction;


The TMAPITableField object represents a single MAPI SPropValue structure.
Delphi wrapper object for MAPI SPropValue type.

TMAPITableField = class(TMAPIBase)
    constructor Create(const PropValue: PSPropValue);
    destructor Destroy; override;
    property PropName: String read GetPropName;
    property PropTag: ULONG read GetPropTag;
    property PropType: ULONG read GetPropType;
    property PropID: ULONG read GetPropID;
    property IsMultiValued: Boolean read GetIsMultiValued;
    property IsNamed: Boolean read GetIsNamed;
    property IsError: Boolean read GetIsError;
    property AsString: String read GetAsString;
    property AsBoolean: Boolean read GetAsBoolean;
    property AsInteger: Integer read GetAsInteger;
    property AsInt64: Int64 read GetAsInt64;
    property AsSingle: Single read GetAsSingle;
    property AsDouble: Double read GetAsDouble;
    property AsCurrency: Currency read GetAsCurrency;
    property AsDateTime: TDateTime read GetAsDateTime;
    property AsGUID: TGUID read GetAsGUID;
    property AsBytes: TBytes read GetAsBytes;
    property Value: Variant read GetVarValue;
    property RawData: PSPropValue read GetRawData;
Unit: MAPITable.pas
Type: Class
Inherited from: TObject
Parent: TMAPITableFields


Name Access Type Description
PropName RO String The PropName property returns the name of the field as a string (PropTag).
PropTag RO ULONG The PropTag is unique among identifier properties supported in MAPI. It is a MAPI column name.
PropType RO ULONG Represent type (PropType) of column data. Low 16 bits from PropTag.
PropID RO ULONG A property identifier (PropID). High 16 bits from PropTag.
IsMultiValued RO Boolean Indicates that field (Property Value) is Multivalued. Multivalued properties contain more than one value of its type. Unlike OLE variant arrays, every value in a multivalued property is of the same type. if IsMultiValued is TRUE, use AsString (in this case for values delimiter is used global variable MV_DELIM = #13#10), or use property Value which will return a Variant array.
IsNamed RO Boolean Indicates that field is MAPI Named Property (PropNamed).
IsError RO Boolean The property could not be accessed or not exists.
AsString RO String Represents the field's value as a string
AsBoolean RO Boolean Represents the field's value as a Boolean value. If PropType is not PT_BOOLEAN, exception is raised.
AsInteger RO Integer Represents the field's value as an Integer value. If PropType is not PT_I2 or PT_LONG, exception is raised.
AsInt64 RO Int64 Represents the field's value as an Int64 value. If PropType is not PT_I2 or PT_LONG or PT_I8, exception is raised.
AsSingle RO Single Represents the field's value as a Single value. If PropType is not PT_R4, exception is raised.
AsDouble RO Double Represents the field's value as a Double value. If PropType is not PT_R4 or PT_DOUBLE or PT_CURRENCY or PT_APPTIME exception is raised.
AsCurrency RO Currency Represents the field's value as a Currency value. If PropType is not PT_CURRENCY, exception is raised.
AsDateTime RO TDateTime Represents the field's value as a TDateTime value. If PropType is not PT_APPTIME or PT_SYSTIME, exception is raised.
Note: PT_SYSTIME is converted from UTC to Local DateTime.
AsGUID RO TGUID Represents the field's value as a TGUID value. If PropType is not PT_CLSID, exception is raised.
AsBytes RO TBytes Represents the field's value as a TBytes value. If Property value cannot be converted to TBytes, exception is raised.
Value RO Variant Represents the field's value as a Variant value. If Property value cannot be converted to Variant, exception is raised.
RawData RO PSPropValue Returns a RAW (native) MAPI property value structure (SPropValue).


Please see Lazy MAPI # 6 - Test TMAPITable wrapper, FastFilter and FastSort



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