MAPI Named Properties

Canonical name: PidLidContactItemData
Description: Used to display the contact information.
Property Set: PSETID_Address
Property ID (Name): $8007
Data Type: PT_MV_LONG
Area: Contact

Remarks: If present, the property must have six entries, each corresponding to a visible field in the application’s user interface.

One-based index into the multi-valued property/The value must be one of the following/Description
1 / 0x00000001 / The application should display the contact’s home address.
1 / 0x00000002 or 0x00000000 / The application should display the contact’s work.
1 / 0x00000003 / The application should display the contact’s other address.
2 / 0x00008080 / The application should display Email1.
2 / 0x00008090 / The application should display Email2.
2 / 0x000080A0 / The application should display Email3.
3,4,5,6 / PropertyID of any of the telephone properties or any of the fax numbers that are specified in [MS-OXOCNTC]. The application should display the corresponding property.