MAPI Named Properties

Canonical name: PidLidTaskStartDate
Description: The date when the user expects to begin the task.
Property Set: PSETID_Task
Property ID (Name): $8104
Area: Task

Remarks: If this property value is left unset, the task does not have a start date. A value of "0x5AE980E0" (1,525,252,320) also means that the task does not have a start date. If the task has a start date, the value must have a time component of midnight, and the dispidTaskDueDate (PidLidTaskDueDate) and dispidCommonStart (PidLidCommonStart) properties must also be set. This property is shared by the Informational Flagging Protocol Specification and Task-Related Object Protocol Specification located in [MS-OXOTASK].