MAPI Named Properties

Canonical name: PidLidToDoTitle
Description: Contains user-specifiable text to identify this message object in a consolidated to-do list.
Property Set: PSETID_Common
Property ID (Name): $85A4
Area: Task

Remarks: This property must not be set on a task. To indicate an empty property, do not set this property to the zero-length string, but instead delete it. When flagging a message object, and the property does not exist, a client should write the value of PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT (PidTagNormalizedSubject) to this property.
In a consolidated to-do list, if this property does not exist, a client should substitute the value of the PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT property when displaying this property in the to-do list.
On a draft message object, if the client implements sender flags, this property should be set to the same value as dispidRequest (PidLidFlagRequest).